The Basics

When life deals you the occasional crappy hand:
1. Remember the Lord has a plan greater than you could imagine...
2. And, naturally, go write all about your struggles... On the internet... For everyone to see.

Being 26, single & newly unemployed I recently found myself in a stage of life that is less than ideal. I've got my sassy (sweat) pants on and nothing but time, so my goal here is to share some humorously honest and frank thoughts about my daily struggles....

...Fast forward 4 years and this blog has a different tone. This blog was originally created as a therapeutic outlet for me during a rough patch in my mid-20s. No longer unemployed or single and in my early-30s, this blog is about the beautiful mess that is my life with my husband and our dog!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Seed to Sequoia

I can't believe I'm sitting in an airport getting ready to fly to DC to celebrate my niece's FIRST BIRTHDAY!

It's baffling to me how the anticipation of her getting here felt like decades, and yet her first year of life has felt like days.

Not long before Madison was born I heard a song on the way to work that perfectly captured what it feels like to be in a place and feel like the Lord isn't hearing you or isn't still working for your good.

Certain lines in the song hit me thinking about the journey my sister and brother-in-law took to bring their daughter into this world.

"I know though the winter is long, even richer the harvest it brings.
Though my waiting prolongs even greater, Your harvest for me like a seed.
I believe that my season will come."

"And like a fire to the snow I'm renewed in Your warmth.
Melt the ice of this wild soul till the barren is beautiful."

"I can see the promise, I can see the future.
You're the God of seasons and I'm just in the winter.
If all I know of harvest is that it's worth my patience.
Then if You're not done working, God I'm not done waiting."

They never knew the road to having a baby would end up leaving them in this 'winter' for over 2 years. He was there all along, through everything: every failed treatment, every negative pregnancy test, and even in freak wind storms that kept her at home allowing her to receive the IUI that resulted in their child.

God wasn't done working, and they were definitely not done waiting! God knew the season He was going to allow them to go through, even though He could have easily given them a child as soon as they started trying. He did the same thing for us: even though he could have saved us from the beginning, He knew what He was going to allow His son to endure to save us.

It's a beautiful reminder of everything we're unworthy of, but after the winter, what we reap from that harvest is priceless.

Everyone goes through winters. But you have to remember that whatever God plants will eventually grow. You might not know when it will grow, where it will grow, or even what will grow, but He won't leave you alone.

If He can turn a seed into a sequoia, there's no telling what your harvests will look like!

Sweet Madison -
You will never truly comprehend the depth of love so many people have for you and the number of prayers that were prayed over your life before you even had a heartbeat.

Your Uncle Ryan and Aunt Bryn love you so much and have loved watching you grow this past year. We are even more excited that you will soon be closer to us, which means more time with you...and I guess your parents too! 😊


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